Monday, March 12, 2012

I Did It

I did it I walked the McGuire's 5K run/ walk:) I also wrote my poem for a competition Ok I do need to tweak it but whatever. Oh I also slept till 11:30ish and I finished my school before five I call that A good day. Also Thursday I was injured in softball I am still recovering but I am Ok. But any way Carissa I am back into the blogging world:) I am excited for tomorrow we are going to an art museum where we are going to draw or paint one or the other.Ok I think I am now done:)


  1. 11:30??? WOW. That's awesome. Wish I could go with you to the museum. Miss you lots.

  2. Which injury was that? You've had several and I get them mixed up! :P Those guys are all out to get you, I swear! :)
